I have many friends who want to lose weight. I created this blog to help them, and everyone who wants to be slim, to realize his dream.

29 October, 2010

Fat Is Not Where It's At

by: George Hutton

Fat Is Not Where It's At
There is one thing that has been growing steadily for the past several years. And I'm not talking about crime, or the national debt. I'm talking about the excess weight that you carry around your belly. We, as adults, have been getting fatter and fatter over the past few years. And unless we do something about it, we are only going to grow more rotund and obese. So, now that I've got your attention, what should we do about it?

And the solution boils down to two different areas of focus. One is to improve our eating habits. To banish fast food from your mind, and to think of only wholesome food like olive oil and cabbage. To shun unhealthy foods like chips and ice cream, and eat more celery and raw fish. Of course, this is easy to say, but when you go to the grocery store, and find yourself surrounded by chocolate chip cookies just begging to be eaten, then that is a different story.

The other side of the coin is exercise. Physical movement, that burns more calories that we take in. Only then will we be able to lose our collective spare tires and fit back into the clothes of our high school days. But what is the best form of exercise? If you go down to your local fitness club, you will be presented with a wide assortment of choices that can confuse even a seasoned professional.

Not to mention the ever lasting debate between cardiovascular exercise, or weight training. Both of these have both their good points, and their bad points. But if you are just starting out on an exercise and weight loss program, what is best for you? What is the best way to begin a program that will not only help you to lose unwanted extra weight, but will also improve your self confidence and self esteem as well?

Well, dear reader, the answer is simple walking. Walking is an age old practice that has been secretly passed down from generation to generation. Since the beginning of time itself, humankind has walked to find enlightenment and to burn calories. And you can do it just as easily as you can sit and eat ice cream during your favorite TV show.

The great thing about walking is that you, by virtue of your humanity, come pre programmed with highly developed walking skills already. You don't need to learn anything new, nor take any special classes or instruction. Stand up, shout that you aren't going to take this blubber anymore, and go outside for a walk. Once you make this a habit, you'll notice some wonderful things creeping into your life where the blubber once was. Good luck.

About The Author:
To find wonderful and happy relief from any weight issues, head on over to http://www.walking-for-weight-loss.net/ today.

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19 October, 2010

Altadrine Stops You From Excessive Snacking

by: ALTA CARE Laboratoires

Altadrine Stops You From Excessive Snacking
Many people find that consuming fewer calories is very difficult even if they need to get rid of a few pounds or kilograms. The urge to eat and snack is simply too strong!

Of course there are many 'diet' and 'light' products that can help reduce calorie intake, but they fail to make you feel full, which leads to further snacking.

One of the most effective products on the market today which can help you control your appetite is Altadrine appetite control presented in liquid capsules.

Altadrine Appetite Control:

• can give you control over your appetite

• can stop you from excessive snacking

• can help you to eat less by promoting a feeling of 'fullness'

• is scientifically proven to increase the release of satiety hormones like CCK and GLP1

• is most effective when part of a healthy lifestyle and exercise plan

Clinical trials have confirmed the effectiveness of Altadrine appetite control with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and pine oil. Alta Care Laboratoires thoroughly tested ingredients in Altadrine appetite control in a randomised double blind cross-over trial, and the results were: Altadrine appetite control can help to suppress appetite and promote a feeling of 'fullness', thus providing satiety.

The first study clearly showed that within 30-60 minutes after taking a 3g dose of Altadrine appetite control in the form of oil or its natural metabolites, the release of the satiety hormone of cholecystokinin (CCK) was significantly increased in the blood of the test subjects compared to those who had taken a placebo. The natural metabolites of Altadrine appetite control also significantly increased the release of another satiety hormone glucagon-like peptide1 (GLP1) in the blood. Both hormones send signals of satiation to the brain, and are essential in regulating food intake.

Also prospective food intake was reduced after administration of the natural metabolites of Altadrine appetite control. In the second study participants given these also showed a significant effect on food intake (9 per cent reduction) and a trend on caloric intake (7 per cent reduction).

Q. What is Altadrine appetite control?

A. Altadrine appetite control is an appetite control supplement which promotes a satiety feeling. It contains pure oil ingredients, extracted from the nuts of the Korean pine tree. Clinical studies have shown that Altadrine appetite control liquid capsules when taken up in the body can help control your calorie intake by reducing appetite and creating a feeling of 'fullness'.

Q. How does Altadrine appetite control make me feel less hungry?

A. When you eat a meal, the food is digested in the stomach and then goes into the small intestine. As nutrients are absorbed in the small intestines, signals are sent to the brain telling you that you have eaten enough. Two of these signals, cholecystokinin (CCK) and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP1), have been proven to play an important role in the process of satiety. Altadrine appetite control and its natural metabolites have been clinically tested to increase the release of these signals telling your body that you have eaten enough. By taking Altadrine appetite control 1 hour before a meal or in between meals you can help to reduce your meal size and your in between appetite.

Q. What is the recommended dose of Altadrine appetite control?

A. The beneficial effects of Altadrine appetite control liquid capsules are 1 capsule 1 hour before or between meals. It is recommended to stop 1 week before 1 box of Altadrine appetite control and another.

Q. Is Altadrine appetite control safe?

A. If Altadrine appetite control is taken at the recommended dosages no side effects or interactions have been noted. The liquid capsules are safe because of their excellent bioavailability of the liquid capsules. Other slimming products and even strong diets can damage the overall health of the body. Altadrine appetite control has ingredients to protect the body and CLA to protect the heart further when dieting to lose weight.

Q. Can Altadrine appetite control cause allergic reactions?

A. Altadrine appetite control is a fully-refined oil and refined oils hardly contain any proteins which can cause allergic reactions. However, some people prone to allergies exhibit very fierce reactions even to minute amounts of certain proteins. These individuals would consequently want to avoid products containing refined nut oil. Although not probable, traces of nut protein cannot be excluded from the realm of possibility. Although trace levels of pine nut proteins are not expected to induce allergic reactions, Alta Care Laboratoires cannot guarantee that Altadrine appetite control is allergen free.

Q. How quickly and for how long does Altadrine appetite control stay in effect?

A. In clinical studies, the levels of the appetite-suppressing hormones CCK and GLP1 were significantly increased within 30-60 minutes after taking Altadrine appetite control and its metabolites. Liquid capsules increase the bioavailability. These levels were still noticeably high after 3 hours.

Q. Is it necessary to diet and exercise to get results with Altadrine appetite control?

A. It's not just the quantity of food you eat, but also its quality and caloric content that influences weight loss - as does the amount of calories you burn. Therefore, you get the most desirable and quick results when combining Altadrine appetite control with a sensible, healthy diet and regular exercise.

Q. Can Altadrine appetite control be taken by women who are pregnant or breast-feeding?

A. Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding should always consult their physician before adding any kind of supplement to their regular diet. It is not ethical to do studies on pregnant women with any drug or supplement.

Q. Can Altadrine appetite control be taken in combination with prescription medicines?

A. You should consult your physician or pharmacist before using Altadrine appetite control together with prescription medicines.

Q. Are there any stimulants in Altadrine appetite control?

A. Appetite suppressants have been banned from pharmacies. Unlike other appetite suppressants and satiety ingredients, Altadrine appetite control does not contain unhealthy stimulants whatsoever.

Q. Where can I find Altadrine appetite control?

A. Altadrine appetite control is available in liquid capsules is available exclusively in pharmacies. Doctors are informed on the clinical studies.

Q. What is the role of lipids in the body?

A. In the body lipids fulfil a variety of functions, for example as an energy source, a structure component or as a hormone like factor.

Q. Who makes Altadrine appetite control?

A. Altadrine appetite control is manufactured in France by brand owner and producer Alta Care Laboratoires. Altadrine is not made up of a range of products that help weight control and are the correct answer to weight control which is a complex condition that cannot be treated by companies that have just 1 product or 1 ingredient.

Q. Where can I get Altadrine appetite control liquid capsules from?

A. Altadrine appetite control is available in all pharmacies and there is no need of a doctors’ prescription since it is classified as an over the counter product.

For more information: http://www.altacare.com/


About The Author:
ALTA CARE Laboratoires is an independent multinational company founded by pharmacists and doctors working in the European Union. With over twenty years of experience in professional consultancy in all the stages required for manufacturing and branding, ALTA CARE Laboratoires over the years has produced products for other multinational companies. ALTA CARE Laboratoires research department has handed over many innovative formulations of pharmaceutical quality to other companies throughout the years. ALTA CARE Laboratoires pharmacists are now also well known worldwide for being specialised in the registration of dossiers in the European Union. ALTA CARE Laboratoires immediately expanded its know how in the manufacture of derma cosmetics, food supplements, nutriceuticals and biotechnology to produce an exclusively innovative line of products to compliment the existing line of pharmaceuticals.

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11 October, 2010

Alta Care Laboratoires Asks If Your Personality Is Sabotaging Your Diet?

by: ALTA CARE Laboratoires

Get out of your own way to lose weight

You try every diet, exercise trend and gimmick in the book. You even drop a few pounds... only to find them slowly creeping back on. So you try harder. You diet more vigorously, but somehow the weight keeps finding its way back to your hips, thighs and waist. What gives? It could be that your personality is sabotaging your efforts to get thin. Here are five of the most common personality types that tip the calorie scale toward weight gain.

Personality #1: The Couch Potato. You may be cutting back on calories, but you don't move enough to stimulate your metabolism. (Picking up the remote control to change the channel does not count as exercise!) Activity is the only way to achieve calorie deficits. Counting calories and watching your portions are the key to maintaining a healthy weight, but you must also get moving to burn extra calories and shed weight. Altadrine Fat Burning Tablets, by Alta Care Laboratoires, Paris, burn body fat by converting it into energy.

Personality #2: The Busy Bee. You don't have time for breakfast, lunch comes from the vending machine and you eat dinner in the car on your way home from work. Sound familiar? Studies show that a healthy, hearty breakfast containing a protein, such as eggs or yogurt; along with a healthy fat, such as nuts or a serving of avocado; plus a carbohydrate, such as fruit or whole grain bread, can fuel your physical and mental energy levels, decrease your stress levels and help stimulate your metabolism.

Personality #3: The Portion Distorter. Often you try to justify eating second and third servings of healthy food because it's good for you. But even nutritious food can cause you to gain weight. Some cereals are high in fiber, but they are also high in calories and processed sugar. Snack or meal replacement bars are culprits because they often weigh in at up to 500 calories. If you snack on high-calorie protein bars, you can easily surpass your calorie needs for the day. Even sweet potatoes, and brown rice and other grains need to be portioned out, though they rank high in fiber and nutrients. The solution: Continue to eat healthy, but be portion-wary!

Altadrine Soup, by Alta Care Laboratoires, Paris; is a fibre-based organic, highly nutritious soup that can replace any meal or snack. When one is taking Altadrine Soup one is benefiting from a range of nutritious substances in a low-calorie food supplement…and Altadrine Soup only takes 2 minutes to prepare! Simply add 5 tablespoons to a bowl of boiling water and stir; add any desired spices or salt and pepper and enjoy! If you prefer tablets instead of soup opt for Altadrine fruit and vegetable tablets.

Personality #4: The Closet Junk-a-holic. Do you eat very little nutritious food during the day and binge on junk food in private? Many of us do. It's so easy to bypass the three-square-meals rule and justify small handfuls of candy from co-workers' desks, snacks from vending machines, and nibbles here and there. Many dieters don't believe that picking at food throughout the day can lead to weight gain. But grabbing food on the go, no matter what the size, can pack on pounds and make you even hungrier. By keeping your blood sugar levels stabilized with a balanced diet you'll be able to cut cravings and the desire to binge. If you must snack during the day, try air-popped popcorn (jazz it up with flavored sprays), nuts, high fiber cereal or dried fruit, frozen berries, grapes or bananas, small pieces of dark chocolate or fat-free puddings. Eat decadent treats only on special occasions. Altadrine Day & Night Burner Ampoules are an ideal weight management supplement with many different actions – fat burning, draining, metabolism boosting and appetite controlling! Altadrine syrup also has a fat burning and draining effect.

Personality #5: The Takeout Queen. You probably know that most takeout is high in trans fats, saturated fats, sodium and added white sugar, with mega-sized portions and extra condiments adding to the calorie burden. So if you don't like to cook, you need to set some ground rules. When ordering Chinese, ask for a steamed dish with vegetables and sauces on the side. Healthy Mexican options include grilled chicken, beans and rice, and grilled vegetables. You can add salsa to your dish, as long as you nix the fried chips and refried beans. When ordering Italian food, choose pasta with red sauce and use vegetables as your primary topping. Cheese, grilled chicken or shrimp should be served on the side. If you're having pizza, be sure to blot it several times and add vegetable toppings to cut down on high-fat cheese. If all else fails opt for Altadrine Fruit & Vegetable Tablets by Alta Care Laboratoires, Paris. The high fibre content in these tablets makes Altadrine Fruit & Vegetable Tablets act as a potent fat blocker, helping you control that fat intake!

For more information: http://www.altacare.com/


About The Author:
ALTA CARE Laboratoires is an independent multinational company founded by pharmacists and doctors working in the European Union. With over twenty years of experience in professional consultancy in all the stages required for manufacturing and branding, ALTA CARE Laboratoires over the years has produced products for other multinational companies. ALTA CARE Laboratoires research department has handed over many innovative formulations of pharmaceutical quality to other companies throughout the years. ALTA CARE Laboratoires pharmacists are now also well known worldwide for being specialised in the registration of dossiers in the European Union. ALTA CARE Laboratoires immediately expanded its know how in the manufacture of derma cosmetics, food supplements, nutriceuticals and biotechnology to produce an exclusively innovative line of products to compliment the existing line of pharmaceuticals.

The author invites you to visit:http://www.altacare.com/

07 October, 2010

Diet Plans And Menus - The McKeith Diet

by: Levi Reiss

Diet Plans And Menus - The McKeith Diet
The McKeith Diet was created by the London nutritionist, Gillian McKeith. The menus are rich in vegetables and vegetable proteins, including legumes. It lasts 28 days and dieters must follow the proposed menus to the letter. Here are some of the diet principles.

Keep a daily journal to analyze your nutritional behavior. For a week keep a detailed record of food names, weight, volume, time eaten, and how you feel. These notes cover all meals and snacks. Also you must note your hours of sleep and of physical activities. Get in the habit of reading food labels. Ask yourself questions such as: Am I eating five servings of vegetables daily? Then establish objectives. Become aware of your bad eating habits. Reject harmful foods such as alcohol, cookies, salt, and white rice. McKeith's list of negative foods is quite long. Don't eat proteins with glucides or fruits for dessert. Drink eight glasses of water daily, but never at meals. Drink an infusion in the morning but no tea, milk, or coffee. Drink a glass of lukewarm water on rising and on retiring. Try to start meals with a soup. Accompany cooked foods with raw foods. All meals and snacks are strictly defined during the 28 days. Take food supplements. Practice a sport or exercise. For example, walk for 20 minutes before each meal, and that includes breakfast. But don't practice a sport if you are elderly or in poor physical condition.

An advantage of the McKeith Diet is that you won't have to spend time deciding what to eat. The foods are quite varied, and you may discover new foods. This diet is very rigid, often making it hard to eat at restaurants or at friends' homes. Many people don't have time to exercise before each meal. Many meals require extensive preparation.

Here are two sample menus:

Menu 1 (Day 5)

Breakfast: A glass of lukewarm water. A red elm infusion. Ginger zinger (6 carrots, 1 cucumber, 1 celery stalk, and ginger).

The mid-morning snack is two peaches.

Lunch: Adzuki beans.

The mid-afternoon snack is fennel, beet, and cucumber juice.

Supper: Yellow split pea soup. Oriental salad.

Menu 2 (Day 20)

Breakfast: A glass of lukewarm water. A nettles infusion. Barley soup.

The mid-morning snack is two pears.

Lunch: Roasted zucchini, bell peppers, and shallots. Arugula leaves. Semolina.

The mid-afternoon snack is puree of cashew nuts. Sliced raw vegetables.

Supper: Vegetarian stew. Brown rice.

Some of the information in this article comes from a fascinating new book, La Bible des Regimes, written by Jenny de Jonquieres and published by Amerik Media. Her book describes more than 80 diets and weight reduction programs. Each diet is presented with 5 menu plans, a detailed discussion of its advantages and disadvantages, and lots more. La Bible des Regimes is presently available only in French.


About The Author:
Levi Reiss wrote or co-authored ten computer and Internet books, but to tell the truth, he would rather just drink fine Italian or other wine, accompanied by the right foods. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. Check out his wine website http://www.theworldwidewine.com/ with a weekly column reviewing $10 wines and new sections writing about (theory) and tasting (practice) organic and kosher wines.

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