I have many friends who want to lose weight. I created this blog to help them, and everyone who wants to be slim, to realize his dream.

30 December, 2010

Alcohol And Lap Band Surgery- A Big No

Lap band surgery is an option that gives you the liberty to enjoy your life to the fullest and now you don’t have those extra pounds pounding around the body. Lap band is basically a silicone band that is placed around the abdominal area which limits the intake of food and leads to lesser cravings for food. Most of the people who think of going in for lap band surgery are apprehensive whether the intake of alcohol is allowed or not. There is lot many things that are to be taken into consideration if one wants to have alcohol after undergoing lap band surgery.
One thing that all weight loss enthusiasts need to know is that they are undergoing lap band surgery to lose weight and alcohol is going to add unnecessary calories to the body. It is a well known fact that alcoholic beverages are rich in calories and this is the reason that they are not recommended for the patients who have undergone lap band surgery. Most of the dieticians advise their patients to completely cut down or alcohol if they want to enjoy some great results from lap band surgery.

Another important reason why alcohol is not permitted after Lap band surgery is that it interferes with the vitamins present in the body and can even lead to severe complications. Vitamins like A, E, and D reacts badly with alcohol and can in severe situations lead to major health related complications. There are many people who consume alcohol empty stomach; this is one such habit that has to be given an end after lap band surgery.

Most of the doctors advise their patients not to drink with meals because drinking with meals will wash food out of the stomach faster and due to this they will not feel full as long as they would if they did not drink with meals.
Carbonation is another important reason why lap band surgery is not recommended for the daily drinkers. When alcohol is consumed by the lap band patients, this can lead to severe stomach pain and even gas.

Carbonated alcoholic beverages that are to be avoided after lap band surgery are champagne and beer. One last reason why alcohol is a big no for the lap band patients is extremity. It has been found that heavy drinking causes trouble and this is the reason that habitual drinkers are advised to take in moderate dosage of alcohol.

One important point, alcohol consumption can make all those good results of lap band surgery lose their meaning, so it is better to stay away from it if one wants to enjoy a healthy life.
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
Lap band surgery is the safest weight loss method out there and this is what has contributed to its amplified growth.

29 December, 2010

Asian Weight Loss Secrets

Asian Weight Loss Secrets
Asian weight reduction secrets have been applied for thousands of years by Eastern women to get slim, stay thin, and look fantastic, even into their senior years! Today we're going to take a look at just one of the great Asian dietary supplements I detail in my Skinny Asian Diet program that you can use to burn fat and lose weight quickly.
When I was a little girl in Taiwan, my Mother used to offer my Sisters and I a special mushroom to eat each week. She shared with us HER Mother had given it to her all her life, and it was regarded to help keep Asian Women lean for centuries. I always wondered what it really was, because I felt good after consuming it each time to the point where I looked forward to it each week.

In my adult years I now know that mushroom is called Cordyceps Sinenesis, and it's a formidable tool you can use to get rid of fat 24 hours a day, even when you're asleep! Now for those of you who don't care for mushrooms , Cordyceps Sinenesis does not need to be in organic form to deliver the results. Instead you can take it as I do, once a day in pill form. There are numerous vendors online who sell organic bottles of the wonder-shroom, and you can also locate it in your local health food store.

There are some incredible benefits that analysis has proven for Cordyceps, including increased energy, endurance and stamina, as well as improving the function of the immune system.

For our purposes though we utilize it primarily as a weight-loss aid and something you can consume to help you burn fat even when there isn't time to go to the fitness center, or do a dvd workout routine.

As Asian weight reduction secrets go, Cordyceps is one of six or seven of our most cherished and valued tools. It provides so many excellent health benefits along with its pure fat-burning ability that I suggest you add it to your daily routine, in addition to whatever current vitamins or health foods you're currently taking.

Don't worry about how much to use, whatever product you purchase will have a suggested dose to follow, but actually you can only benefit from whatever level of supplementation you decide upon.

You Can Attain Your Dream Body
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
This one sounds odd but it's fun, click the link to learn about how to shrink your waist. To get more details on workouts to lose stomach fat click the url.

11 December, 2010

Get In Shape In Time For Christmas With Altadrine Fat Burner

by: ALTA CARE Laboratoires

Get In Shape In Time For Christmas With Altadrine Fat Burner
Christmas is just around the corner! You and your friends are making plans for the festivities…what to wear and what not to wear. You have already spotted the dress of your dreams, but there is a problem…how to get in it! With just a couple of weeks to go it seems already impossible to control your weight and yet you will be tempted once again to eat more during the festivities! Not to mention the alcohol intake.. However Altadrine can keep your weight under control…

ALTA CARE Laboratoires has launched on the market ALTADRINE Fat Burning Tablets. Extracts of Citrus aurantium (synephrine) and Guarana' (caffeine) help in the burning of body fat deposits in a natural way. Yes……we are talking of body fat deposits. A correct and varied diet may help you in stopping the accumulation of further kilos, but not the elimination of the fat deposits accumulated during the holidays. Eliminating this excess is nowadays very simple. The alternatives range from physical exercise – so if you intend going to the gym by all means do so – to having some food supplement that will help you recover your correct weight. ALTADRINE Fat Burner Tablets is the solution to your problem; it’s a specific product that contains extracts that are capable of burning your surplus fat while producing an energy available for all the body. The active ingredients are in fact capable of acting directly on fatty cells, stimulating the metabolism of the fat into energy and reducin!

10 December, 2010

Knowing The Consequences Of The Different Eating Disorders

by: Andy Guides Jr

Knowing The Consequences Of The Different Eating Disorders
Many people if asked could not tell the difference between someone who is on a diet and someone who is suffering from an eating disorder. They are however two very different things though. A diet is used as a means to lower your weight in a healthy manner; a disorder however, is an illness which effects the self esteem of the individual suffering from it in a very dangerous way.

The most well know of all these disorders is Anorexia Nervosa. The name itself means 'a lack of desire to eat'. People who have Anorexia Nervosa experience obsessive feelings of self loathing. The only time they feel good about themselves is when they are starving. No matter how thin an anorexic becomes, their body dimorphic disorder is so strong they still believe themselves to be fat.

Commonly linked to Anorexia is Bulimia Nervosa. It shares some of Anorexia's features especially the sufferers' low self esteem. The difference is food is used by the Bulimic as a comfort and is not avoided at all. Bulimics are able to ingest as much food as they wish and rid themselves of it soon afterwards by taking laxatives or making themselves vomit it up again, this is known as purging.

07 December, 2010

Follow The GI Diet Without Calorie Counting

by: Andrew Mason

loss weight website
Do you think that it would be too much to expect somebody to come up with a "perfect" diet, something that could help each and every one of us that suffers through problems associated with weight loss? Would it be too much of a pipe dream to expect such a solution to come along? It seems that this is unfortunately just the way that it must be. After all, each one of us has a very different makeup and how could it be possible to come up with a commercially available diet across the board? A diet needs to be based on a variety of different factors and we need to look at our lifestyles, our genetic makeup, and our individual likes and dislikes too.

We base a decision to go on a diet for a number of different reasons. Most of the time these reasons are related to our health, but sometimes we come across a dietary plan that seems to cover a number of very important issues in one special system. The glycemic index diet is just such a plan.

What is the glycemic index? It's effectively a ranking factor categorizing each and every carbohydrate according to its effect on our body. When we digest foods, blood glucose is released into our system and scientists have calculated the effect that a 50 g portion of each different carbohydrate has, as it is processed. Pure glucose is allocated a factor of 100 and every other carbohydrate is placed between zero and this figure. We know that we need to steer clear of foods that are at the top of the index, as our blood sugar levels will be more adversely affected. This is known as the glycemic response and we need to factor into effect the portion size, whether the food is processed or not and how we actually prepare it for consumption.

06 December, 2010

Thin Thighs You've Always Dreamed Of

Thin Thighs You've Always Dreamed Of
A little story on how to get trim, thin thighs
Every celeb has them, and you want it for yourself. Luckily, shapely thighs are not a pipedream or reserved for individuals who can afford to have their photographs thrown in magazines and touched up beyond recognition. Actually, even little old you can get the sleek, sexy thighs your heart desires. But you can't keep doing what you are doing today if you want to achieve your goal. You need to make a few life alterations, so get to work!
Don't Eat Late
It may be a difficult adjustment, but to maintain your thighs thin and shapely, you are going to need to cut back on late-night snack foods. A good principle should be to cease eating immediately after 7 p.m. Or else, the body may well fill up on unhealthy calories before bedtime, and if you aren't awake to work them off, those calories will go exactly where they want. And yes, this includes going to your thighs. In the event you must eat something late, make it something light, such as a salad. Prior to giving in and feeding on something late in the night, grab your self-control and go to sleep.
I have flabby thighs, yet fortunately my stomach covers them. - Joan Rivers

Go Cardio Crazy

Staggering Obesity And What To Do About It

by: George Hutton

Staggering Obesity And What To Do About It
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Most people would change their weight, if given the opportunity. Fifty pounds here, twenty pounds there. But why is losing weight thought of as some magical transformation that is out of our control? Can't we control our weight through simple exercise and diet? If these are so simple, why are they so hard?

Well, if you consider our lifestyle, then the answer may be more obvious. Fifty or a hundred years ago, most of would have had jobs that were much more physically demanding, so we would have burned a lot more calories over the course of a day. Compare that to our jobs today, and you can easily see the difference. The vast majority of people today work at jobs that don't require much physical labor.

One other major problem leading directly to obesity is the amount, and the quality, of the food that we stuff ourselves with. We simply don't eat nearly as healthy as we used to. Back in the good old days, we would eat home grown, local food that was cooked fresh every night. Nowadays, it's almost impossible to go even a couple days without hitting up the burger joint or the pizza place.

05 December, 2010

Lose Weight Dieting - With A Fat Burning Diet
On this page you can read the information on the topic:
A Fat Burning Diet
So you want to lose weight, but diet with such confusing information out there you need to know what diet will work for you, but most importantly that a healthy diet for you, as you certainly do not want to unwanted side effects, as some people had with other well-known diets. You can achieve all these goals with a fat burning diet.
A Fat Burning Diet.
Burn fat diet will help you lose weight diet, as it deals with the biggest problem that your body likes to store fat as you get older, to protect you. You'll probably find that your metabolism slows down, and now it's time to change this situation. The first thing you need to do is get rid of all fat storage products, some of which may surprise you. Some of these include orange juice, all wheat bread (no rice bread), cereals, yoghurts and cheeses, to name a few. In fact, all wheat and dairy products, except eggs.

A Fat Burning Diet

All the products I'm telling you to quit mainly new products that our ancestors did not eat even during the Stone Age, and they lived a very healthy lifestyle in relation to the environment there. A Fat Burning Diet. Thus, a diet to lose weight is that they eat, that is all meat and fish, fresh fruit and fresh vegetables. You can also eat eggs. You also need to replace a meal to drink water and freshly squeezed lemon. This will do two things first, it will replace the vitamins and more that your not the rejection of orange juice, and secondly, it's probably best for detoxification of your body on this planet.
Thus, you can lose weight diets just make sure you eat foods in the right quantity for your metabolism and body weight. So you're going to be strong and do something about it today or you will continue to read articles on the topic in six months time?

Lose Weight Dieting - With A Fat Burning Diet

by: Angelina Jewels

Lose Weight Dieting - With A Fat Burning Diet
So you want to lose weight dieting but with so much confusing information out there you need to know which diets will work for you but most importantly which diets are healthy for you as you certainly don't want any unwanted side effects as some people have had with other well known diets. You can achieve all of these goals with a fat burning diet.

A fat burning diet will help you lose weight dieting because it deals with your biggest problem that your body loves to store fat as you get older to protect you. You will probably have found that your metabolism has slowed down and now its time to change that. The first thing you have to do is get rid of all the fat storing foods some of which may surprise you. Some of these include orange juice, all wheat breads (not rice bread), cereals, yogurts and cheeses to name a few. In essence all wheat and dairy products with the exception of eggs.

All the foods I am telling you to give up are mainly new foods that our ancestors didn't eat back in the times of the stone age and they lived a very healthy life relative to there environment. So to lose weight dieting eat what they eat i.e. all meats and fish, fresh fruit and fresh vegetables. You can also eat eggs. You should also replace your meal time drink with water and freshly squeezed lemon. This will do two things firstly it will replace the vitamins and more that your missing from giving up orange juice and secondly it's probably the best detoxifier for your body on this planet.

So you can lose weight dieting just make sure you eat the foods in the right quantity in relation to your metabolism and body weight. So are you going to be decisive and do something about it today or will you still be reading articles like this in six months time?


About The Author:
Well if you CANNOT LOSE WEIGHT and want to get a diet that works why not visit the Angelina Jewels blog or alternatively watch this 15 minute video of the STAY BEAUTIFUL DIET but you must watch it in its entirely because you can't pause it. Wishing you every success for the future.

The author invites you to visit:
Article Source:

04 December, 2010

Super Sea Veg Helps Tackle Nation's Obesity Problem.
On this page you can read the information on the topic:
Obesity Problem
It's no secret that America solves a huge problem - obesity. [Thanks, fast food vendors!]
Obesity Problem
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost one-third of American adults are considered obese. [For comparison, in Japan the rate of obese adults is 3.2% of the population.]
This is an amazing statistic and a grim reminder that the time has come for us to get healthy again ... or we will face dire consequences.
Obesity Problem
This is one of the reasons I so passionately Super sea vegetables, dietetic food supplements Farmasea that contains a proprietary blend of 12 edible plants sea. Again and again, Super Sea Veg helped men and women in the United States [and beyond], finally, to lose those pounds that have trapped them for too long.

Obesity Problem

So I urge you to grant ...
I want you to see for yourself how Super Sea Veg can help you become healthier and leaner. I believe you deserve to experience the future. Super Sea Veg very small investment in your overall health and well-being, and give you great results, not the least of which is a good physical shape. I'm not saying that you can sit on the couch and do nothing, but in reality, when you start to take the Super sea vegetables, it's the last thing you want to do! Super Sea Veg give you energy to burn ... and that, in turn, will help you get rid of years of unnecessary weight.
Take my task today. Order Super Sea Veg Online and opening of health beyond the barriers. Help us change the problem of obesity in America ... one person at a time.

Super Sea Veg Helps Tackle Nation's Obesity Problem

by: Timmy Vic

Super Sea Veg Helps Tackle Nation's Obesity Problem
It's no secret that America is tackling a very serious problem – obesity. [Thank you, fast food purveyors!]

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost a third of American adults are considered obese. [In contrast, in Japan, the figure of obese adults is 3.2% of the population.]

It's a startling statistic and a grim reminder that it's time for us to get healthy again… or else we'll face dire consequences.

That's one of the reasons I'm so passionate about Super Sea Veg, Farmasea's dietary food supplement that contains a proprietary blend of 12 edible sea plants. Time and again, Super Sea Veg has helped men and women across the United States [and beyond] to finally lose those pounds that have trapped them for far too long.

So I'm issuing a challenge to you…

I want you to see for yourself how Super Sea Veg can help you become healthier and leaner. I believe you deserve to experience a different future. Super Sea Veg is a very small investment in your overall health and well-being and will give you tremendous results, not the least of which is a fitter body.

02 December, 2010

Alta Care Laboratoires Asks If Your Personality Is Sabotaging Your Diet?
On this page you can read the information on the topic:
Sabotaging Your Diet
Get out of your own way to lose weight
You try every diet, exercise and trends trick in the book. You even drop a few pounds ... only to find them slowly creeping back. So, you try.
Sabotaging Your Diet.
You diet more vigorously, but somehow the weight keeps finding its way back to the hips and waist. What gives? It may be that your personality is sabotaging your efforts to get thin. Here are the five most common types of personality, which the Council calorie scale toward weight gain.
Sabotaging Your Diet.
Person number 1: Couch Potato. You may be cutting back on calories, but you do not move enough to stimulate the metabolism. (Meet the remote control to change the channel is not considered exercise!) Activity is the only way to achieve a calorie deficit. Counting calories and watch your portions key to maintaining a healthy weight, but you also have to move, to burn off excess calories and lose weight. Altadrine Fat Burning Tablets, by Alta Care Laboratoires, Paris, fat burning, converting it into energy.

Sabotaging Your Diet

Person # 2: Busy Bee. You do not have time for breakfast, lunch comes from a vending machine and you eat dinner in the car on the way home from work. Sound familiar? Studies show that healthy, hearty breakfast containing protein such as eggs or yogurt, as well as healthy fats such as nuts or a serving of avocado, as well as carbohydrates such as fruit or whole grain bread, can fuel your physical and mental energy levels, reduce stress and stimulate metabolism.
Person # 3: Serve Distorter. Often try to justify a second and third portions of healthy food, because it is good for you. But even nutritious foods can lead to weight gain. Some cereals are high in fiber, but they are also high in calories and processed sugar. snack or meal replacement is the culprit, because they often weigh in at up to 500 calories. If you snack on high calorie protein bars, you can easily exceed your calorie needs during the day. Even sweet potatoes and brown rice and other grains from the a la carte, even though they occupy high in fiber and nutrients. The solution: continue to eat, but beware-some!
Altadrine soup for Alta Care Laboratoires, Paris, is the organic fiber is very nutritious soup that can replace any meal or snack. When someone with a Altadrine soup benefits from a number of nutrients in a low-calorie food supplement ... and Altadrine soup only takes 2 minutes to prepare! Simply add 5 tablespoons in a bowl with boiling water and stir, add any spices or salt and pepper and enjoy! If you prefer tablets instead of soup to choose Altadrine fruit and vegetable pills.
Person # 4: The Junk Closet-Holic. Do you have very little nutritious food during the day and binge on junk food in private? Many of us have. It's so easy to circumvent three square meals rules and justify a small handful of chocolates from the staff table, and snacks in vending machines, and nibbles here and there. Many diets do not believe that the collection of food during the day can lead to weight gain. But the capture of food on the go, no matter what size, can pack on the pounds, and even make you hungry. Maintaining the level of blood sugar was stabilized with a balanced diet you can reduce the craving and desire to drink. If you need to snack during the day, try air popped popcorn (jazz it with scented sprays), nuts, high fiber cereal or dried fruits, berries, grapes or bananas, small pieces of dark chocolate or fat-free puddings. Eat decadent treats only for special occasions. Altadrine Day and Night Burner Ampoules are a perfect complement to weight management with a variety of actions - fat burning, draining, metabolism and improve appetite control! Altadrine syrup and fat burning and draining effect.
Person # 5: Takeout Queen. You probably know that most takeout high in trans fat, saturated fat, sodium and added white sugar, with mega-sized portions, and additional seasonings to add to the burden of calories. So if you do not like to cook, you need to set some ground rules. When ordering Chinese, ask a couple of dishes with vegetables and sauce on the side. Healthy Mexican options include grilled chicken, beans and rice and grilled vegetables. You can add to your salsa dish, as long as you have Nix fried chips and stewed beans. When you order Italian food, choose pasta with red sauce and use vegetables as the main topping. Cheese, grilled chicken or shrimp should be served on the side. If you have a pizza, be sure to spot him a few times and add vegetable toppings to reduce high-fat cheese. If all else fails pick Altadrine fruit and vegetable pills Alta Care Laboratoires, Paris. High fiber content in these tablets does Altadrine fruit and vegetable pills act as a potent blocker of fat, helps you control what is fat!

Alta Care Laboratoires Asks If Your Personality Is Sabotaging Your Diet?

by: ALTA CARE Laboratoires
Alta Care Laboratoires Asks If Your Personality Is Sabotaging Your Diet?
Get out of your own way to lose weight

You try every diet, exercise trend and gimmick in the book. You even drop a few pounds... only to find them slowly creeping back on. So you try harder. You diet more vigorously, but somehow the weight keeps finding its way back to your hips, thighs and waist. What gives? It could be that your personality is sabotaging your efforts to get thin. Here are five of the most common personality types that tip the calorie scale toward weight gain.

Personality #1: The Couch Potato. You may be cutting back on calories, but you don't move enough to stimulate your metabolism. (Picking up the remote control to change the channel does not count as exercise!) Activity is the only way to achieve calorie deficits. Counting calories and watching your portions are the key to maintaining a healthy weight, but you must also get moving to burn extra calories and shed weight. Altadrine Fat Burning Tablets, by Alta Care Laboratoires, Paris, burn body fat by converting it into energy.

Personality #2: The Busy Bee. You don't have time for breakfast, lunch comes from the vending machine and you eat dinner in the car on your way home from work. Sound familiar? Studies show that a healthy, hearty breakfast containing a protein, such as eggs or yogurt; along with a healthy fat, such as nuts or a serving of avocado; plus a carbohydrate, such as fruit or whole grain bread, can fuel your physical and mental energy levels, decrease your stress levels and help stimulate your metabolism.
Want To Lose Weight The Cabbage Soup Diet Way?...It's Easier The Altadrine Way. On this page you can read the information on the topic:
the cabbage soup diet
Soup Diet Altadrine all you can eat soup diet Altadrine, and more soup you eat, the more you lose.
The cabbage soup diet.
Altadrine soup is a relatively easy one-week program, which makes a man get pleasure from the sky without limiting the number! Unlike most diets, this diet is not based on depriving yourself of food. In contrast, whenever you feel like it, savor a bowl of soup Altadrine that will rid your body of all that congests it, starting with unwanted fat.
The cabbage soup diet, Altadrine, by Alta Care Laboratoires - Paris, contains little calories so do not have to worry about losing weight. In addition, Altadrine soup is very nutritious, containing 100% fresh organic vegetables grown in France, with a high content of minerals and active substances in the fiber base.
Altadrine soup comes in a 300g tin sealed, with no additives, dyes or flavor enhancers have been added.

The cabbage soup diet

Altadrine taste the soup is completely neutral ... in order to satisfy everyone. Another advantage Altadrine soup that is so quick and easy to do! No boiling of vegetables, no cooking, no mess! Simply mix 5 teaspoons in 400 ml of boiling water as the soup taste neutral can spice desire of his heart's (salt, curry, etc.) ... and Pronto!
You can start the day with unsweetened tea or black coffee. Drink as much water as you can (from one to two liters of highly recommended) throughout the day.
All day, morning, lunch and dinner, eat as much soup as you want, along with permitted food every day.
Absolutely prohibited:
Avoid bread, alcohol, sugary drinks, fried foods and tasty snacks at any cost ...
Unsweetened black coffee, unsweetened tea, unsweetened fruit juice once a week, skimmed milk once a week, spices, herbs, lemon juice and vinegar as a condiment.
At the beginning of your day, your coffee or tea (unsweetened). All day, as often as you want throughout the day, eat a lot Altadrine soup. You can also eat all the fruit you want except bananas. Do not deprive yourself, with no limit on the number of superimposed on your appetite.
TIP: You can take 10 ml of syrup Altadrine for better drainage.
As usual, every day, to begin with tea or coffee, and feel free to consume all the volumes Altadrine soup you want. Vegetables on the menu for today. Eat plenty of vegetables as you like, they may be raw, fresh, cooked ... but never fried! The only exceptions are beans, peas and corn. Leafy vegetables are recommended. You can season your vegetables with lemon juice, vinegar, dried or fresh herbs ... but no oil.
In the evening, for the treatment, you can eat a small potato jacket with a little margarine along with a bowl of soup Altadrine.
TIP: If you do not have enough energy of 10 ml syrup Altasterol might be useful.
Tea or coffee .... And many Altadrine soup throughout the day. On the third day consists of mixing the diet the first two days, except the potatoes in their skins. Do not forget to drink as much water as you can!
TIP: If you are irritable or have trouble falling asleep, combined with 10 ml of syrup controller.
Wake up with a cup of coffee or unsweetened tea and eat your soup Altadrine during the day. The fourth day of banana per day, and you can eat 3 to 8 bananas. Bananas provide you with necessary carbohydrates. On this day, skimmed milk or cheese with skim milk, he also brought of the protein and calcium in them. Allow yourself a small piece of cheese (made with skim milk) or half pint of skim milk.
Tip: You can have 10 ml of syrup Altadrine for internal cleansing
As usual ... tea or coffee and a lot of Altadrine soup. You can eat up to 300 grams of roast beef and six fresh tomatoes.
For those who do not eat meat, to help themselves instead of 300g of fish.
TIP: The Restoration of salt and flora Altaflora capsules electrolytes.
Day Six
At the beginning of your day, your coffee or tea (unsweetened). All day, as often as you want throughout the day, eat a lot Altadrine soup. Steak again for today! Beef or fish must be accompanied by a leafy vegetable.
You can eat three steaks a day, depending on your appetite.
TIP: If you do not like meat, you can give your body the essential amino acids by combining 10 ml of syrup Altasterol.
Last day! Do your usual tea or coffee, and Altadrine soup whenever you feel hungry. Eat more brown rice and green vegetables as you want.
In order to lose weight without disrupting the body to give it the elements necessary for him without which he would be forced to use their own resources giving rise to fatigue, lack of vitality, short temperedness, irritability, and if we push it too far, the disease .

Want To Lose Weight The Cabbage Soup Diet Way?...It's Easier The Altadrine Way

 by: ALTA CARE Laboratoires
Want To Lose Weight The Cabbage Soup Diet Way?...It's Easier The Altadrine Way
The Altadrine Soup diet is an all-you-can-eat Altadrine Soup diet, and the more soup you eat, the more you lose. Altadrine Soup is included within a relatively easy one week programme which makes one enjoy the pleasure of the palate without limiting the quantities! Unlike most diets, this diet is not based on depriving yourself of food. On the contrary: whenever you feel like it, savour a bowl of Altadrine Soup which will rid your body of all that congests it, starting with undesirable fats.

The diet’s soup, Altadrine, by Alta Care Laboratoires - Paris, contains negligible calories so one does not have to worry about losing weight. In addition, Altadrine Soup is highly nutritious, containing 100% fresh organic vegetables cultivated in France, with a high content of minerals and active substances in a fibre base.

Altadrine Soup comes in a 300g airtight tin; no additives, colouring agents or taste enhancers have been added. Altadrine Soup’s taste is completely neutral…so as to suit every individual. Another advantage of Altadrine Soup is that it’s so fast and easy to make! No boiling of vegetables, no cooking, no mess! Simply mix 5 teaspoons in 400ml of boiling water and since the soup tastes neutral one can spice it to one’s heart’s desires (salt, curry etc.)…and pronto!

The basics:

01 December, 2010

Altadrine Strategies For Successful Slimming.
On this page you can read the information on the topic:
Successful Slimming
Body intelligence tips, when one takes this nutritional supplements.
Successful Slimming.
The Care Laboratories is always recommended to their clients that the best food to digest one. Food will be preferably cooked, even well cooked, not raw, it should be hot, not cold, fresh, not processed. One of them is also to remain seated for a while after eating that allowed his body to settle into its digestive rhythms.Successful Slimming
Another important this Care Laboratories principle is that in moderate amounts. Consume moderate amounts of food at regular meals. Your digestive system will run more efficiently on smaller parts, as well as with a partially empty stomach. This will allow your body to automatically control your weight more easily.

Successful Slimming

Being satisfied, not like a scarecrow. If you leave a little empty room in your stomach you will feel light, cheerful, energetic and very fresh hour after eating. This is as it should feel right after eating a meal. This will be the natural result of properly digest food.
Below are some tips intelligence agencies, that is to follow when making this nutritional supplements:
1. Eat a settled atmosphere.
2. Never eat when you are upset.
3. Always sit down to eat.
4. Eat only when you are hungry. Try and include this soup in your diet.
5. Avoid cold food and drink.
6. Do not talk while chewing food.
7. Eat at a moderate pace, not too fast or too slow.
8. Wait for the one time been digested before eating the next (ie, intervals of two to four hours of light snacks from four to six for full meals). this electrolytes sachets are excellent in case of problems with digestion.
9. Sip warm water or this water to drink with a meal.
10. Eat freshly prepared meals whenever possible. You can add Altadrine fruit and vegetable pills.
11. Minimize raw foods, cooked food (preferably well-cooked) is much easier to digest.
12. Drink milk separately from meals, either alone or with other sweets.
13. Sit quietly for several minutes after a meal.

Altadrine Strategies For Successful Slimming

by: ALTA CARE Laboratoires

Altadrine Strategies For Successful Slimming
Body Intelligence Tips to follow when one is taking Altadrine food supplements.

Alta Care Laboratoires has always recommended to its clients that the best food is the digestible one. Food is to be preferably cooked, even well cooked; rather than raw; it is to be hot rather than cold; fresh rather than processed. One is also to remain seated for a while after a meal thus allowing one’s body to settle into its digestive rhythms.

Another important Alta Care Laboratoires principle is that of moderation. Consume moderate amounts of food at regular mealtimes. Your digestive tract will work more efficiently on smaller portions, and with a partially empty stomach. This will allow your body to automatically control its weight much more easily.

Being satisfied is not the same as being stuffed. If you leave a little empty room in your stomach you will feel light, buoyant, energetic and much fresher an hour after your meal. This is how one should feel after a properly eaten meal. This will be the natural result of a properly digested meal.

The following are some Body Intelligence Tips that one is to follow when taking Altadrine food supplements: