Knowing The Consequences Of The Different Eating Disorders
by: Andy Guides JrMany people if asked could not tell the difference between someone who is on a diet and someone who is suffering from an eating disorder. They are however two very different things though. A diet is used as a means to lower your weight in a healthy manner; a disorder however, is an illness which effects the self esteem of the individual suffering from it in a very dangerous way.
The most well know of all these disorders is Anorexia Nervosa. The name itself means 'a lack of desire to eat'. People who have Anorexia Nervosa experience obsessive feelings of self loathing. The only time they feel good about themselves is when they are starving. No matter how thin an anorexic becomes, their body dimorphic disorder is so strong they still believe themselves to be fat.
Commonly linked to Anorexia is Bulimia Nervosa. It shares some of Anorexia's features especially the sufferers' low self esteem. The difference is food is used by the Bulimic as a comfort and is not avoided at all. Bulimics are able to ingest as much food as they wish and rid themselves of it soon afterwards by taking laxatives or making themselves vomit it up again, this is known as purging.
Another closely linked eating disorder is Compulsive Eating Disorder. In many ways this is very similar to Bulimia and to Anorexia, the factor that sets it aside from both of these is that sufferers do not purge.
Compulsive sufferers consume and keep all the food they eat. Their days can revolve around nothing but food, from reading about it, to cooking to planning the next meal or snack. Some of the world's heaviest people suffer from this disorder, which is fundamentally an addiction to food.
Next we have Binge Eating Disorder, again very similar to Compulsive Eating Disorder. It differs in the frequency in which food is consumed and in its secretive nature. Binge eaters will meticulously plan their binging and store large quantities of food away to eat all in one sitting when they know they will be alone.
Binge eaters will gorge themselves until they are uncomfortably full but they will not purge. Binge eating is often used as a form of self-punishment linked to low self-esteem and self worth. The binge eater is more likely to be of normal weight or slightly overweight than the compulsive eater because the binging isn't as frequent as the compulsive eaters.
About The Author:
Each year, more than 5 million Americans are affected by that of serious and often life-threatening disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia, binge-eating, compulsive eating, and obesity for example. Eating disorder recovery can be faster if you get some eating disorder help. For more free information, please visit our website.
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